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Taking the Road Less Traveled

While it has been quite some time (OK.....a LONG time) since I have sat down to write here, something has given me the proverbial "kick in the ass" today. For one, I've somehow managed to have a brief period of solitude in my life (as in, a few hours at most) before life decides to resume it's madness as usual routine. Much has happened over the past year, job change, starting school again, kids going to college, kids graduating from college and family members leaving to return to spirit. By now I'm sure you're wondering what any of this has to do with "The road less traveled". Let me explain: as evidenced by my large lack of time in writing to this blog, I have been very much caught up in the mundane day to day existence of life on this planet. We all are. I mean, after all, we are humans and do have to live! And while I do strive to maintain my spiritual practice, some days that just doesn't happen. The road less traveled is a place where we need to visit more often. Where we can escape, if only for a few minutes, to reconnect with ourselves and quiet the mind to maintain what is often left of our sanity. Today, I'm taking some time on that road to do just that.

Oddly enough, I've been presented with that opportunity and sat down not having the slightest clue as to what to write, and, as I usually do on a daily basis, I reach out to the angels for some help. For those who may not know, I have been working with angel energies for quite some time and have also been teaching classes about working with angels with a friend and colleague.

ANYWAY, I sat down and asked for Michael to give me some ideas. Often times I use an oracle deck as part of how I communicate with them. The first card I pulled was that of Archangel Gabriel, the angel of self expression and speaking your truth. I find they have a sense of humor at times, as if this was telling me, nope, Gabriel is your guy for this work! Not that he wasn't willing to help, however, Michael governs more the energies of security and stability, so going on his advice, I called in Gabriel as well. Just for reference, I used the Energy Oracle Cards, by Sandra Anne Taylor for this. The following card I pulled was titled "The Magician and the Mirror". This card is about knowing and using your true power. Instantly, I knew the relationship between this card and what I needed to write.

As a magician, you have within you the ability to combine the forces of earth and spirit and the ability to create what you want. Often times we can fall into the "victim if our circumstances" paradigm and feel helpless in controlling what we experience. While some truth may lie in that, because at times there are things we can not control or lessons to be learned in an experience during our short time as humans here on this earth. We can however, chose how we react to those situations. We can chose to react as the outer world would expect us to, or we can chose to use the true power we have within us. We need to take a little time on that road less traveled to connect with that.

If you are here reading this right now, is there a reason for it? Have you been guided here because you need to see this as a reminder that you are the creator of your own life? What difficulty are you encountering that you can transform into a blessing? While it may seem counter-intuitive that some struggle you are going through can actually be a blessing, hold on for the ride and look back after it has passed. Our perceptions of events often can change after the storm has passed.

If I leave you with one thought for today, it is a reminder for you to hop on that road less traveled and spend some time reclaiming your own personal inner power, embrace your intentions, and start integrating that in your daily life. You just may be surprised at the magical transformation you can create!

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