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Journey of the Fool

Tarot-the fool

Welcome to my first blog post! I've been procrastinating on doing this....for a laundry list of reasons (aka EXCUSES!) Today my guides and angels have been relentless with getting me to finally take the leap. I told them that IF I was actually going to do this, then they best help me come up with a topic for today (and following) weeks.....and here is what I got! They guided me to use the fool card, and for those who may be familiar with reading tarot, you will most likely IMMEDIATELY get the connection here. For those who don't, I will explain. But first, this card does not only apply to my own personal journey. How do I know? Because as I was asking my guides and angels for some help with this, I also asked them to give me something for those who were going to be reading this post....a message that would also speak to other people, as well as myself.

With that said, let's have a look at the cards. On the left is the Fool card from the Rider-Waite deck. The card to the right is the Fool from Tarot of the New Vision. ( Just to run off track a bit for a minute, the New Vision deck is the Rider Waite, seen from a different view, giving it a different, or behind-the-scenes perspective. ) Have a look at the cards. Zero is the number on these cards. Zero can be said to symbolize infinite in nothing has formed and all things are possible. This is, maybe, the beginning BEFORE the beginning? At any rate, this seems to very well sum up the space I was in before I began this blog post. How does this speak to you? All things are possible....what have you been waiting to manifest and create? If you haven't yet started, you are occupying this space as well.

With that said, let's look at what the hell this nut is doing standing at the edge of this cliff, dancing around......not having a clue he may just plummet to his death! HERE is where your intuition comes me, this is symbolic of just taking the leap of faith....actually creating this blog post, and not just leaving it sit in that "zero" space. To me, the fool is clearly not walking down the beaten path. He stands high above where everyone else is....terrain that is not well traveled. He is outside of a comfort zone. Is what you're contemplating outside of your comfort zone? How does the surrounding of the fool relate to where you are right now? What about that bag he's carrying on his stick? Lunch? Everything he owns? Or maybe everything he has experienced in his life up till now is tucked away in that little bag....that is BEHIND him. Starting off on his journey, he always has past experiences, lessons and knowledge that he can use at any time. Keep that in mind as you start off on your journey. You really do have more in that little bag than you might realize. Another symbol that speaks strongly to me in these cards is the rose he carries. White can symbolize the subconscious energy, while the rose symbolizes passion. Are you connecting your passions, which come from the subconscious communication with Spirit? Are you on the path to fulfilling your life's purpose?

And here is where I see the difference in meaning between these 2 cards. The card on the left is telling me that either you are carelessly making that leap, or maybe you are just starting that journey and you may not really know where its going to take you as of yet. The card on the right is telling me shit has hit the fan over yonder, so you're getting out of dodge and starting a new journey! Well, so to speak, of course. For me, this is certainly a new journey, as I have made a choice to begin my transition from my career as a nurse and follow my guided intuition and passion where I can still draw upon my previous experience and knowledge, yet create a new beginning in working with clients to heal or grown on their spiritual journeys. For me, I know what it is I'm looking down over that cliff at....and maybe you do too. What does that volcano in the distance mean to you?

And last but not least, lets not forget his pet dog Toto! He's a reminder that you are still connected to your animal-self.....your instinct. Let Toto be your guide....listen to what he has to say, because as long as you pay attention, he will never have to bite you in the ass!

Take some time for yourself to look at these cards, consider my interpretation of them, as well as your own and understand how this can relate to you right now. I hope I have been able to provide you with some insight, understanding and guidance. Looking forward to see what my angels and spirit guides have in store for me to share with you next week! Until then, be well!


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