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9 Ways to clear out your space!

As I sit to write this it's not even daylight. With cup of coffee in hand I decided to reach out to my new deck of Angel tarot (by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine) to ask the angels what message do they have for all of you this week. (Some days I do my best work before that coffee kicks in, as I feel somewhere between the sleep and fully awake state where we communicate best with the spirit realm).

This card is the message shared with me today. My first reaction was "C'mon, you could've given me something a little better than this"....and then it came together. The election is coming up, and emotions are running high, regardless of who you're voting for. This is a reminder from the angels that your clear decision making is in need right now. I'm not going to color this post with politics, but when you make your decision on who to vote for, or maybe even whether or not you're going to vote in this election, take some time to really clear your mind and be perceptive to what is going on around you. By starting here, you can carry with you your ability to make clear decisions all the time.

The reason I decided to focus on clearing out your space today, is this card is also representative of letting go of that which no longer serves you. AND the number 9 (in the title of this blog) is also representative of the year 2016 (2+0+1+6=9), and as a 9 year, it is all about endings. Hence, the 9 ways to clear your space! That also means that 2017 is a 1 beginnings. Now is the time to clean house, and make way for the new energies of 2017.


1. Remove yourself from negative environments.

Depending on your situation, this can be easier said than done, but not necessarily impossible. The important thing to remember here is you can't change people, but you can change your surroundings. If you find that at the moment you have to be around someone negative, you don't have to let them rent space in your head. Find ways to spend more time with those who vibrate a higher energy.

2. Shut down your social networks for awhile.

Um, yes, I want you on Facebook and my website reading my blogs, but how many of us spend far too much time surfing the net (maybe even getting caught up in the drama of whatever the news is that day). Designate some time, even if that means scheduling time, to log off, walk away and do something else. This would be a great time to get outside, or meditate and ask the angels and guides to help you to release whatever struggles you've been experiencing lately. Trust me....they do answer! ; )

3. Get up early!

Ha, I know....I know, but it really does make a difference. On the days Im up before the sun I can take a few minutes to watch the sun rise and connect with it's vibrant energy. I also feel accomplished because I can get a few more things checked off my to-do list before it's time to make dinner. STAY OFF THE INTERNET! Use this extra time to fit in a little yoga, or be creative! (like I said, this is when I often do my best work with my guides and angels).

4. Know that it's OK to say NO.

How many times have you found yourself over-obligated because you just can't say no? Seriously, life will go on. I struggled with that myself, but once you do it a few times, it does get easier. When you allow yourself to say no sometimes, you open up more to the things in your life that should be priority, whatever that may be. When you feel less overwhelmed, the right opportunities and teachers will arrive and you will easily recognize that. Again, it's all about managing the flow of energy in your space.

5. Improve your diet.

Yes, I KNOW the holidays are right around the corner. However, what we put in our bodies affects how we feel. Your health is an important asset. Shift away from eating sugars and unhealthy fats, and gravitate more towards fruit and veggies....and then notice how you feel. Clear the sludge from your diet and your body will thank you.

6. De-clutter your environment.

Oh the struggle! I have this battle with my husband almost daily! LOL. It's important to clean up that stale energy just sitting all around you. Piles of "stuff" really do slow down the flow of energy in your home, and office space. My rule of thumb is if it not useful, pretty or valuable....get rid of it! If you have a hard time parting with things, start small. As you release what you don't need, you're making more room for the universe to give you what you do.

7. Change your routine.

Does your current routine support your goal? Are you rushing through your entire day, with no time for you? This is NOT supportive of anything but stress. Even if you can't sit and meditate for 30 minutes, bring some mindfulness and gratitude into your day. Release the hurriedness and replace it with a few minutes of being aware of your thoughts, speech and behavior.

8. Forgive yourself.

This may be one of the biggest things we can do for ourselves. Guilt is a useless emotion. It serves no purpose for us. Learn to acknowledge that yes, you may have made a mistake, take remedial actions such as saying " I'm sorry", and then let yourself be off the hook. Not doing this is a sure fire way to drag your energy down and create a blockage from receiving what you deserve.

9. Release negative energy....daily.

As you work through some or all of the things on this list, you may find that you are more aware of the unhealthy/ negative energy patterns of yourself or others around you. Many people are emotional sponges, and without realizing it, we take in the lower vibrational energies of other people or places. Create a "negative energy release" practice to use daily. I find it helpful to do mine at the end of the day through a meditative technique called grounding and centering. For you, this may mean you self treat with Reiki (which I also do), have someone give you reiki, take a walk, do tai-chi, or put on some music and dance to your favorite song. Whatever it is should let you release the energies of your day and leave you feeling clear.

Here's to another great week ahead! I hope you enjoyed your message from the angels today. Consider some other ways you can release what no longer serves your highest good and make room for all the blessings life has to offer!

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